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A member registered Jul 30, 2020

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(2 edits)

The graphics and music spoiled me like we were taken into a fantasy world. Music that matches the theme of the level that makes me comfortable playing this game.

The level that I find difficult is in the Nelfheim section. Many illusionary traps that really need to be noticed like a coin that crosses us to long jump but it's just a trick and underneath there is a platform. The Valkrie Boss is the hardest boss that I fight. It's hard to avoid the blast of fire.
Cerberus reminded me of the boss in the Cuphead game who had thorny plants and was very engrossed against him.

Maybe I'll report there are some bugs that might ruin the gameplay, which are:
- In this game maybe you could say a bug or what. When the player dies the previously taken coins are still saved.
- Still the same, When we have taken a coin then we get out of the level that the previously taken coin is still stored.
Light bugs maybe:
- Bugs when we want to exit the level when we fall. After the popup exits the level is accepted it will transition but is terminated with a gameover popup.

Advice from me:
- Popup notifications like "Do you want to repeat the story?" When pressing the Midgard level, it's because it tells the original story that we heard earlier.
- Boss Fafnir if stepping on the ground gives damage around.

From all that this game is very fun. I haven't tried the hard level yet, but I'll try later. Recommendations to be played for platform game lovers. This game has potential in the future.

Sorry for my English is not good.